

There are number of actions available to you for each term/error noted in the 'Proofreading' windows:

Click the term/error

Highlights the term/error in the document.


Removes the term/error from the proofreading menu.


Unused Term

Defined but not used terms are listed here.  These are not highlighted in the document without selecting it from the proofreading menu.

Undefined Term

This list is for terms that are not defined but used in the document. In some cases, definitions are not in the same file but in another file. You can link the external file by clicking the button. Undefined terms are also underlined in red in the document.

Duplicated Term

These are not highlighted in the document without selecting it from the proofreading menu.

Term Before Definition

Defined after being referenced. These are not highlighted in the document without selecting it from the proofreading menu.

Uncapitalized Term

Referenced with lowercase letters. Uncapitalized terms are also underlined in yellow in the document.


Clause Number

This points out all the instances where numbering continuity is broken.


We are showing any references where the clause does not exist.


This points out issues where you have outdated or missing references. Clicking the 'Correct' button will automatically solve the issues. There are three types of cross references:

Text Mismatch

Section has changed its name, commonly due to adding another section before it. For instance, you set a cross reference to 'Section 2.1', then you add a section in front of it, changing its name to 'Section 2.2'. However, the reference still displays 'Section 2.1'.


Referred to another section in the text without adding a Word cross reference.

Invalid Reference

The reference points to a bookmark, which no longer exists. This typically occurs when a reference is set up, then the bookmark it pointed to was deleted.


This section points out formatting differences. To find these differences, BoostDraft defines a standard, which is an average of font size and style. It then flags text that differs from this average.

There are five types of formatting errors shown:

Body text outside of tables

Format differs between a clause and the surrounding text. Only applies to text in the body of the document, and does not compare with text outside of the body of the document.

Body text inside of tables

Format differs between clause and surrounding text. Only applies to text inside of tables, and does not compare with text outside of tables.


Format differs between clause and surrounding text. Only applies to text inside of footnotes, and does not compare with text outside of footnotes.


Format differs between clause and surrounding text. Only applies to text inside of endnotes, and does not compare with text outside of endnotes.

There are two options to rectify errors:

Change Standard

Use the 'Change Standard' button to override the standard font set by BoostDraft.


Click the 'Correct' button to change all errors in the selected tab to match the standard set by BoostDraft.


Placeholder, Name Date, etc.

This points out all the places in the document that have placeholders without actual information inside.

Example: This documentation requires approval from [] before finalizing.

Final Check

Shows all areas where text has custom formatting. There may be some false positives to overlook. Custom formatting types shown include:


The 'Other' tab shows proofread errors from the 'Term' and 'Clause' tabs that have been been requested to be ignored.


Feedback is always welcome!

You can submit your feedback to your BoostDraft contact person anytime.

Alternatively, you can submit it directly from the software running on your document >